OSCEAN is a free desktop content environment, a minuture Operating System running inside whatever OS (Windows, Apple, Linux), you are using. You can add, create and edit programs in OSCEAN to customize your desktop your way. The Abstract Network integrated into the core of OSCEAN allows for the programs on the system to communicate with each other and to collaborate with other users, computers or programs connected toghether through a network. At the very heart of OSCEAN is the spirit of Open Source, the idea that source code that creates the programs running your computer should be made open so that users may learn from it, edit it and improve it.
The NewRon Artificial Intelligence module is an important aspect of OSCEAN. It takes the OSCEAN interface to a new level by adding a personal touch through an A.I. that can learn your digital habits and adapt to it.
NewRon is a learning machine that is capable of learning from a variety of user inputs such as video, audio, text, mouse gestures, key strokes and much more. It uses the Abstract Network and the Delta Data Representation Module to make the bits and bytes in these rich data types reveal more information by studying the way the unkown pieces of information link toghether with the known ones. NewRon utilizes a variety of artificial intelligence algorithms and practices to achieve the level of simulated intelligence needed to help the user carry out routine tasks and take care of the mundane hassles of the digital life. It uses Markov Chains to generate structurally and gramatically correct text outputs to communicate with the user using their natural language, whatever it may be. While Markov Chains are used to create the gramatic structure of the sentence, the main subject and content of the conversation is generated by a neural network. This combination of markov chains, neural networks, heuristic logic, baysean rules along with a few other techniques allow NewRon to simulate intelligence almost to a level from which the user can communicate with it and give it commands as if talking to another person.
NewRon serves as a primary administrator in OSCEAN. It takes care of things like backup and defragmenting automatically behind the scenes according to need. It worries about the digital health and security of your computer so that you don't have to!
NewRon can also help you get things done faster. It's able to work with programs, commands and data in innovative ways to help you save time and effort whether you're trying to find information when researching for a school project, trying to visualize data analyzing the stock market or drawing a picture for your website. It's able to integrate with online APIs to help connect you with the resources you need. It's sometimes even able to do your job for you, or atleast make it easier, through installable extentions.